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Our Counselors

Our dedicated team of pediatric constipation counselors is here to provide empathetic support and expert guidance for you and your child's well-being. Our counselors are highly trained professionals with a deep understanding of pediatric constipation and its impact on both children and families.

Karen Clarke


Certified Postpartum Doula

Karen is a mental health counselor and doula. She holds undergraduate degrees in sociology and social work, a graduate degree in social work, is a certified postpartum doula; and specializes in perinatal, parental, and family wellbeing. She is also the mother of a six-year-old with encopresis and has used her knowledge and skills as a counselor to support her son and cope with the stresses that come with managing the condition.


Karen has worked since 2008 in the areas of child, youth, family, and community wellbeing delivering direct client services and developing policy and programs aimed at improving family wellbeing.

She uses her unique mix of knowledge, skills, and experience to support parents through a relational and holistic approach. Put simply, she helps parents deal with hard things.


One of the hardest things she’s had to learn to deal with as a parent is having a child with encopresis. She now wants to take her knowledge, skills, and professional and personal experience to help other parents with children with encopresis.

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